Wednesday 3 February 2010

questionnaire on target audience research

Questionnaire on finding our target audience.
Gender? Male Female

Age? 12-16 17-20 21-30 31-40 41-55

Ethnicity? White White Asian Black African Black Caribbean Hispanic Arabic Indian Other__________________

Social class? Working class Middle class Upper class

When was the last time you went cinema? Less than 2 weeks 1 Month 4 Months 6 months+

Do you prefer short or long films? Short Long

What type of films do you watch mainly? Thriller Horror Comedy Action Adventure

Are you more likely to watch a film which has renowned actors in? Yes No

Do you feel any emotional links to the characters in a movie? Yes No

What attracts you to a film? Actors Special effects Camera work Storyline other________________

How would you rather watch a film? Cinema DVD Download

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