Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Analysis Of Mis-en-scene

Example pictures for the graphically designed shots

sams comment

Make sure that you meet as a group – come and find me if you need to discuss anything, or need a room/computers to work on before Fridays lesson. You must be prepared to film by the end of the week, this will mean having a script & storyboard – if you want to film before, or need to use the drama studio, make sure you come and talk to me!
You are now being marked on your organisational skills and planning

Monday, 8 February 2010

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

questionnaire on target audience research

Questionnaire on finding our target audience.
Gender? Male Female

Age? 12-16 17-20 21-30 31-40 41-55

Ethnicity? White White Asian Black African Black Caribbean Hispanic Arabic Indian Other__________________

Social class? Working class Middle class Upper class

When was the last time you went cinema? Less than 2 weeks 1 Month 4 Months 6 months+

Do you prefer short or long films? Short Long

What type of films do you watch mainly? Thriller Horror Comedy Action Adventure

Are you more likely to watch a film which has renowned actors in? Yes No

Do you feel any emotional links to the characters in a movie? Yes No

What attracts you to a film? Actors Special effects Camera work Storyline other________________

How would you rather watch a film? Cinema DVD Download
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