Friday, 29 January 2010

Synopsis for an opening title seqence

Unknown male wearing a black suit with a black top hat is seen walking towards a vehicle in what seems to be a car park. In his hands he holds a black suitcase ( 20secs). Cold/chilling background music is playing e.g violin/guitars. Meanwhile the voice of a news presenter is heard too. The scene cuts to another person walking through a busy street in London. This person is casually dressed and seems calm but emotionless (20secs) Enigma is being created in that the audience is becoming increasingly more inquisitive about the personalities involved and the motives of each of them. This time the scene cuts to a location unknown to the audience. A clock is seen ticking in what looks like an abandoned cell or basement ( 5 -10 sec)The man with the suitcase stops next to a vehicle and waits checking his watch (10 sec) Again the scene cuts to a shot to an eyepiece of a sniper gun. The view is seen from above a rooftop. Sniper view seems to target the casually dressed man as it follows him from point A (which will later be chosen) to the car park. The target is rapidly set onto the man with the suitcase, as the casually dressed man approaches the vehicle. A shot is heard, man falls to the floor, and casually dressed man picks up the suitcase and walks away (30secs).
Plot: A business that is suppose to go to plan, but ends up in a twist where the antagonist is killed.
Themes: crime, gangster, weapons, business
Narrative: Business deal goes wrong where a man is seen to be shot and robbed for a suitcase.

1 comment:

  1. This was my initial idea after seeing the film Lucky number sle7en" it gave me the idea of using an underground car park which brings about a sense of ewe and enigma as it is an inclosed location with the conotation of vulnerability.


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